The environmental history of the Catalan-speaking lands
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Maria Antònia Martí Escayol
Environmental history is a discipline with its own paradigms and methodology that is concerned with studying the coevolutionary
relations between the environment and the social system. This article offers a historiographic sketch of the environmental history of
the Catalan area. Based on a review of the scholarly literature, this article identifies the main themes, avenues of research and analytical
keys and evaluates the way that the complexity of socioenvironmental conflicts has been explored.
relations between the environment and the social system. This article offers a historiographic sketch of the environmental history of
the Catalan area. Based on a review of the scholarly literature, this article identifies the main themes, avenues of research and analytical
keys and evaluates the way that the complexity of socioenvironmental conflicts has been explored.
Article Details
Com citar
Martí Escayol, Maria Antònia. “The environmental history of the Catalan-speaking lands”. Catalan Historical Review, pp. 43-55,
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- Maria Antònia Martí Escayol, La història ambiental als països de parla catalana , Catalan Historical Review: 12 : 2019