The Structures of youth participation in Catalonia since the democratic transition

Main Article Content

Pere Soler i Masó
Anna Maria Novella Cámara
Anna Planas Lladó
Youth participation is and has been a concept with many considerations,
meanings and forms of application, both nationally and internationally. In
order to ascertain the evolution of the main structures of youth participation,
this article starts with the frames that have motivated this participation in
Europe, and then it analyses the evolution of some of the participative youth
structures in Catalonia in recent decades: local and municipal youth councils.
The article also examines some of the longstanding challenges of youth
participation, which aim to overcome the structuring of traditional channels of
participation and generate other ways of taking part in everyday community

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Com citar
Soler i Masó, Pere et al. “The Structures of youth participation in Catalonia since the democratic transition”. Revista Catalana de Ciències Socials / Catalan Social Sciences Review, no. 5, pp. 107-28,