The “emergence” of women in the crimes against humanity trials in Argentina

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Quimey Martinez Magarzo

Argentina has had a long and complex history of prosecuting those who carried out crimes against humanity in the last civil-military dictatorship, during which marches and countermarches took place. In each of its stages, women had a different role, and their voices emerged in different ways. Their specific suffering regarding sexual crimes in clandestine detention centres outlined a part of history that needs to be addressed in order to build a memory that accounts for gendered pain (and/or gender in pain), as well as the possibilities of its enunciation in criminal proceedings.

Criminal Justice - Crimes against humanity - Gender - Sexual crimes - Dictatorship - Feminisms

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Martinez Magarzo, Quimey. “The ‘emergence’ of women in the crimes against humanity trials in Argentina”. Crítica penal y poder: una publicación del Observatorio del Sistema Penal y los Derechos Humanos, no. 26, doi:10.1344/cpyp.2024.26.44932.