Ignacio Muñagorri Laguía, In memoriam

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Gabriel Ignacio Anitua

Ignacio Muñagorri Laguía was born in Madrid, but it is impossible to think of him outside of Donosti/San Sebastián.  There he married the endearing Koro Mendiola and had a daughter (Gabriele). He also died there on February 6 as an emeritus professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of the Basque Country, where he was a professor of Criminal Law. Before, he trained as a young anti-Francoist in Madrid, where he studied Law at the Complutense University.

That political and legal struggle, which also put him in contact with the Basque Country, formed him as a fine jurist and committed citizen involved with the reality of repression and the search for its limits and complaints. He also formed friendships and cultural life, typical of the sixties of the last century: since then he was passionate about cinema, theater and literature (which he appreciated in Argentine editions, as he once commented).

Ignacio Muñagorri

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How to Cite
Anitua, Gabriel Ignacio. “Ignacio Muñagorri Laguía, In memoriam”. Crítica penal y poder: una publicación del Observatorio del Sistema Penal y los Derechos Humanos, no. 26, doi:10.1344/cpyp.2024.26.46246.