The myth of penal benevolence in Argentina's democracy and the dangers of punitivist violence

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Gabriel Ignacio Anitua

These short lines aim to dismantle a myth about which the current president Milei is going to present and win elections with magical, easy and populist speeches. Surely the main goal that will be supported is the one that relates the economic problems and the unicausalisme regarding public employment.  But together with this, and shared in this case with his rival keys and with Minister Bullrich, it will be the questioning of the punitive demands, especially expressed by the communication mitjans, but also by groups of victims, regarding the “rotating charges.” to the prisoners or a supposed softness of the legal and judicial system for those who are condemned.

Argentina, Punitivism

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How to Cite
Anitua, Gabriel Ignacio. “The myth of penal benevolence in Argentina’s democracy and the dangers of punitivist violence”. Crítica penal y poder: una publicación del Observatorio del Sistema Penal y los Derechos Humanos, no. 26, doi:10.1344/cpyp.2024.26.46769.