Discourses and self-representations of federal magistrates in criminal prosecution cases of corruption and economic crimes in Brazil

Main Article Content

Andre Jakob
Bruno Amaral Machado
Carolina Cordeiro

The article intends to present the federal judges’ discourses about the investigation and prosecution of economic crimes and corruption in the Federal Criminal Justice System in Brazil. We collected the data and statements that subsidy our analysis through focal groups and interviews with judges from different regions of the country. The research was held from 2014 to 2015 and funded by the Higher School of the Federal Public Prosecution Service. This analyzes enables us to comprehend the different visions of the judges of the Federal Courts on problems and difficulties in the police and prosecution work. Likewise, it evidences the obstacles to the prosecution of cases in the federal justice system.

Corruption and economic crimes, judges, self-representations.

Article Details

How to Cite
Jakob, Andre et al. “Discourses and self-representations of federal magistrates in criminal prosecution cases of corruption and economic crimes in Brazil”. Crítica penal y poder: una publicación del Observatorio del Sistema Penal y los Derechos Humanos, no. 20, https://raco.cat/index.php/CPyP/article/view/374898.
Author Biographies

Andre Jakob, Universidad de Brasilia

Máster en Sociología por la Universidad de Brasilia (2014). Investigador del grupo Política Criminal.

Bruno Amaral Machado, UniCeub

Posdoctorado en Sociología (UnB – John Jay-NY/2013). Doctor en Derecho, Especialidad Sociología Jurídico-penal, por la Universidad de Barcelona (2005). Profesor del Máster y Doctorado en Derecho de UniCeub. Líder del grupo Política Criminal

Carolina Cordeiro, UniCeub

Doctoranda y Máster en Derecho por el Centro Universitario de Brasilia (2013). Profesora de graduación en Derecho do UniCeub.