Accompanied and separated migrant children. The invisible reality of accompanied migrant children that arrive to the spanish southern border

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Cristina Manzanedo Negueruela

In 2018, 755 African children arrived by boat to Spanish coasts accompanied by adults (mostly women) who claimed to have a maternal-paternal relationship with the child or to be their relatives. Spain tests DNA to check the maternal-paternal link and proceeds to the automatic separation of those who claim to be relatives (non-parents) of the child. Separation is also automatic in cases where the DNA result is negative, if women are still in Spain. They often abandon the reception centers within a few days of their arrival, without anyone ever knowing anything about them or the minors. The ÖDOS project works to improve the protection of these minors.

Migrant children, Mediterranean arrivals, children protection.

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How to Cite
Manzanedo Negueruela, Cristina. “Accompanied and separated migrant children. The invisible reality of accompanied migrant children that arrive to the spanish southern border”. Crítica penal y poder: una publicación del Observatorio del Sistema Penal y los Derechos Humanos, no. 18, pp. 260-6,
Author Biography

Cristina Manzanedo Negueruela, Proyecto Ödos

Abogada. Proyecto Ödos.