European policy and migrations: The need for a fourth generation human rights approach opposite to the securitarian approach

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Mikel Araguas Cerezo

Human mobility is one of the challenges that, as an international community, we must face in the coming years. It is not a phenomenon that we can confront individually. On the contrary, it is a reality that we must deal with a new paradigm that goes beyond the current one based only on security; a model that must have the participation - among others - of regional and local governments, civil society, unions, religious organizations, political parties and of course with the participation of people who are living human mobility in first person.

Migration, human mobility, human rights, european policy.

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How to Cite
Araguas Cerezo, Mikel. “European policy and migrations: The need for a fourth generation human rights approach opposite to the securitarian approach”. Crítica penal y poder: una publicación del Observatorio del Sistema Penal y los Derechos Humanos, no. 18, pp. 216-29,