The disappearance of «neighborhood courtyards» in Olors, by Josep M. Benet i Jornet

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Ramon Rosselló Ivars
This article is an approach to Olors (‘smells’) (2000), a theater work by Josep M. Benet i Jornet, with the objective of analyzing the text from the scope of the function of fictional space in his writing and in his theatrical discourse: an analysis of the construction of the spatiality, taking into account the different levels of space action (macrospace, microspace, stage’s space and latent space) and how these aspects are present in the text. It also examines the relationship between fiction and reality with respect to the image of Barcelona presented in the work, and the author’s reflections on the close links between the urban identity of the inhabitants of a neighborhood undergoing transformation / destruction, based on individual, family and social memory.
space, urban identity, memory, theater, Barcelona, Josep M. Benet i Jornet

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How to Cite
Rosselló Ivars, Ramon. “The disappearance of «neighborhood courtyards» in Olors, by Josep M. Benet i Jornet”. Cultura, lenguaje y representación: revista de estudios culturales de la Universitat Jaume I, vol.VOL 17, no. 1, pp. 73-92,