Sobre el estado de los archivos de historieta en Argentina: entre investigadores y coleccionistas

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Laura Vázquez
This paper addresses one of the central problems that comic's researchers face in their activity. The preservation, cataloguing and archiving of graphic images is often left to private collector's personal interest and taste. Paradoxically, in the era of an explosion of memory studies and an obsession with archives, we witness the disappearance of sources and documents. How to rank the materials? What is to be saved? The constitutive tension between art and market seems to move towards the lack of conservation and safeguard policies. The main goal of these pages is to provide a critical view and to open a debate.

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Com citar
Vázquez, Laura. “Sobre el estado de los archivos de historieta en Argentina: entre investigadores y coleccionistas”. Cultura, lenguaje y representación: revista de estudios culturales de la Universitat Jaume I, vol.VOL 10, pp. 155-74,