Una aproximación a las "geografías imaginarias" en la obra de Ignacio Minaverry
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Mariela Acevedo
Based on Edward Soja’s (2010) concepts of imaginary geographies and third space an analysis is outlined of the make-up of Ignacio Minaverry’s works «20874», «Rat-line», and «Next year in Bobigny», both from spatial and gendered perspectives. Three «spatial stories» may be identified: the one constructed within the space of the page; another reconstructed from both the real and the imaginary journeys through the cities of Berlin, Bobigny, and Vivar; and lastly, the one constructed through the body and identities.
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Com citar
Acevedo, Mariela. “Una aproximación a las ‘geografías imaginarias’ en la obra de Ignacio Minaverry”. Cultura, lenguaje y representación: revista de estudios culturales de la Universitat Jaume I, vol.VOL 10, pp. 15-34, https://raco.cat/index.php/CLR/article/view/257181.