French influence on english culture in the second part of the seventeenth century. Aphra Behn as a cretive translator and a Madiator between the two cultures
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Violetta Trofimova
This article applies the concept of horizontal and vertical cultural transfers to the process of cultural exchange between France and England in the Restoration period (1660-1688). It focuses on Aphra Behn as a mediator between French and English cultures by analysing how she negotiated the «cultural», gender and creative elements in her translations from the French.
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Trofimova, Violetta. “French influence on english culture in the second part of the seventeenth century. Aphra Behn as a cretive translator and a Madiator between the two cultures”. Cultura, lenguaje y representación: revista de estudios culturales de la Universitat Jaume I, vol.VOL 4, pp. 241-5,