Discipline, learning and interaction in US bilingual classroom contexts
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José Aurelio Llaneza Villanueva
This article presents the results derived from the implementation of a new discipline program at Fischer Middle School, San Jose, California, a bilingual school (English/ Spanish) located in an area of predominantly low income Hispanic student population. In order to tackle the interference with academic achievement arising from discipline problems, new strategies in the treatment of behavior and discipline issues were adopted: development of responsibility, meaningful rules and consequences, preventive strategies and alternatives to punishment for minor and more severe problems. The findings were both contradictory and encouraging: the survey showed a bigger interest in learning and academic achievement in most children; on the other hand, GPAS did not get better in the year of the intervention and the overall number of referrals increased slightly, although there was a significant month to month reduction pattern in the second year.
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Com citar
Llaneza Villanueva, José Aurelio. “Discipline, learning and interaction in US bilingual classroom contexts”. Cultura, lenguaje y representación: revista de estudios culturales de la Universitat Jaume I, vol.VOL 4, pp. 151-67, https://raco.cat/index.php/CLR/article/view/106206.