El Dissolvent, medi o reactiu?
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Josep Maria Lluch i López
Joan Bertran i Rusca
Miquel Duran i Portas
Agustí Lledós i Falcó
Antoni Oliva i Cuyàs
Solvent has been considered classically as the medium that surrounds the reactant system. Experimental facts and recent theoretical studies have become such a view doubtful, showing that solvent plays an active role on reactions in solution. The solvent reorganization during the reaction belongs to the reaction coordinate and, in some processes, solvent acts like a true chemical reactant. Consequences of this new idea are discussed.
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How to Cite
Lluch i López, Josep Maria et al. “El Dissolvent, medi o reactiu?”. Butlletí de les Societats Catalanes de Física, Química, Matemàtiques i Tecnologia, vol.VOL 6, no. 2, pp. 201-13, https://raco.cat/index.php/ButlletiSCFQMT/article/view/224934.
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