Introductory remarks (A brief description of the participating institutions in the Seminar and scientific activities)

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Manuel , 1922-2005 Font-Altaba
The Seminar was organized by the Institut d'Estudis Catalans and the Institute of Crystallography of Moscow. The Centres of Barcelona which gave access to their laboratories and collaborated with some research papers were: Department of Crystallography, Mineralogy and Mineral Deposits, and Department of Fundamental Physics
of the Barcelona University ; Department of Chemical Engineering and Group of Macromolecular Structures of Polytechnic University of Catalonia ; Material Sciences
Institute of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC).

The lectures and research papers offered at the seminar were divided in three groups in accordance with their field: structure of crystals, methods and applications;
non-stoichiometry and phases in fluorites and the crystal properties of superionic conductors; and macromolecules.

Professors B. K. Vainshtein and B. V. Sobolev gave a lecture on their specific topics, proteins and the non-stoichiometry of fluorites. Professors V. I. Simonov, X.
Solans and J. A. Subirana gave a short lectures on the problems to obtain good results and new conclusions in their Institutes.

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Com citar
Font-Altaba, Manuel , 1922-2005. “Introductory remarks (A brief description of the participating institutions in the Seminar and scientific activities)”. Butlletí de les Societats Catalanes de Física, Química, Matemàtiques i Tecnologia, vol.VOL 12, no. 2, pp. 161-5,

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