La Construcció social de la nació o resistència d'alliberament nacional (1939-1977). Principals aportacions al sobiranisme actual

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Fermí Rubiralta i Casas
This conference deepens in the key elements that during the Franco regime
and the first years of the second bourbon restoration contributed to
define the sovereignty outbreak that we live nowadays, in spite of the obvious
weakness of the pro independence political context. Adapting itself to the
deep changes of the Catalan society from 1950 on, the cross content of the
national assertion, the display of the unitarian policy from the anti Franco regimes
opposition and the wager, even from the pro independence units, on a
stagyst statutory strategy that would uncover the inability of the Spanish State
to assume a national differed reality, will enable the construction of a generic,
but explicit, catalanism that expresses itself nowadays in a clear concession in
favour of a total Catalan self-government.

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How to Cite
Rubiralta i Casas, Fermí. “La Construcció social de la nació o resistència d’alliberament nacional (1939-1977). Principals aportacions al sobiranisme actual”. Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, vol.VOL 26, pp. 129-58,