Rellegint la història dels remences de Jaume Vicens Vives

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Gaspar Feliu i Montfort
Reinterpreting the history of the «remences» or redemptions
by Jaume Vicens Vives.
Critical reinterpretation of the two works dedicated by Vicens Vives to the
conflict arising from the «remences» or redemptions that had to be paid by peasants:
Historia de los remensas en el siglo xv (1945) [History of redemptions in the
15th century] and El gran sindicato remensa (1954) [The great redemption syndicate],
which are still essential reading for this area. It is therefore useful to review any aspects of these books that have been improved, debated or invalidated by
subsequent historiography. This update deals with issues such as the origin of these
redemptions, the scope and importance of the conflict, the need to distinguish between
banal and allodial lordship, the alleged reaction by the lords, the monarchys
intervention, the wars of the «remences» and the Arbitral Sentence of Guadalupe.

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How to Cite
Feliu i Montfort, Gaspar. “Rellegint la història dels remences de Jaume Vicens Vives”. Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, vol.VOL 22, pp. 33-64,