Els Exilis al segle XIX: l'exili continu (liberals, carlistes, republicans, socialistes, anarquistes)

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Ramon Arnabat i Mata
The exile in the nineteenth century: the exile continuous
(liberals, Carlists, republicans, socialists, anarchists).
The Catalan nineteenth century can be called the century of exile, not so much
due to the total volume of exiles, though it was quite important, but because of the
continued presence of exile in the political, economic and social life of the country,
and the fact that it affected all political trends: frenchified, liberals, absolutist, Carlists,
democrats, republicans, anarchists, socialists...

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How to Cite
Arnabat i Mata, Ramon. “Els Exilis al segle XIX: l’exili continu (liberals, carlistes, republicans, socialistes, anarquistes)”. Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, vol.VOL 20, pp. 137-6, https://raco.cat/index.php/ButlletiSCEH/article/view/247123.