Significació de La Publicitat en els grans canvis del periodisme català

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Jaume Guillamet i Lloveras
This article studies the significance of the newspaper La Publicitat in the
great changes of Catalan journalism in the last quarter of the nineteenth century
and the first third of the twentieth century, from its foundation in 1878
under the name of La Publicidad, which continued until 1922. It stands out
his role as the traditional organ of Catalan republicanism and his condition
as the third newspaper of the city of Barcelona until the appearance of other
organs corresponding to the radical Republican party and the republican nationalism.
Despite considering the different periods that have been experienced
by the newspaper, especially its conversion to the Acció Catalana official
organ published in the Catalan language, it is proposed to consider this stage
as part of a great era begun during the First World War, when has been acquired
by the ship-owner Antoni Tayà under the tutelage of Amadeu Hurtado,
who was later a principal leader of Acció Catalana and was personally charged
with the newspaper in 1933.

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How to Cite
Guillamet i Lloveras, Jaume. “Significació de <i>La Publicitat</i> en els grans canvis del periodisme català”. Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, vol.VOL 29, pp. 41-52,