Aportació al coneixement de la diversitat liquènica en brolles de Cistus a Catalunya

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Andreu Cera Rull
Samantha Fernandez-Brime
Jordi Vila
Xavier Llimona i Pagès
Sporadical recollections of lichens related to Cistus monspeliensis, C. salviifolius, C. albidus i C. Laurifolius started in 1998, as a
complement to mycological studies of Cistion in Catalonia. It has been collected lichens which grow on rocks, soil, both calcareous and
siliceous, and on bark and wood of species of Cistus genera. Those communities often suffer from fires, which makes impossible to keep
mature lichen populations, instead, fires favour opportunistic species. Among terricolous or saxicolous lichens found, we highlight the following
findings: Caloplaca aractina, C. ligustica, Lecanora conizella, L. jamesii, L. strobilinoides, Lecidella viridans, Scytinum subtile,
Lichinella myriospora, Rinodina aspersa, Thelocarpon macchiae, Trapeliopsis wallrothii morphotype gymnidiata. This works compiles
data from 27 localities of Cistion distributed along Catalonia, with special attention to the Parc Natural del Cap de Creus, comprising 74
lichen species. Among them, 19 are epiphytic lichens, 2 on Cistus albidus, 4 on C. laurifolius, 10 on C. monspeliensis and 9 on Cistus sp;
39 saxicolous; and 22 terricolous lichens. This is a non-exhaustive diversity study but it adds new findings: five for Catalonia, three for the
Girona province, two for Parc Natural de Cap de Creus and one for the Parc de Collserola.

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Cómo citar
Cera Rull, Andreu et al. «Aportació al coneixement de la diversitat liquènica en brolles de <i>Cistus</i> a Catalunya». Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, vol.VOL 83, pp. 83-90, https://raco.cat/index.php/ButlletiICHN/article/view/371610.

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