Naturalistes dels Països Catalans dedicats a l'estudi dels coleòpters

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Eduard Vives i Noguera
presentation is made on deceased naturalists from the Catalan Countries who were dedicated to the study of coleoptera insects. Within this, a brief historical introduction is given on naturalistic studies made from the 16th century to now. It contains a total of 53 biographical notes corresponding to 6 naturalists from Northern Catalonia, 29 naturalists from the Principality of Catalonia, 9 from the Valencian Country and 9 from the Balearic Islands. A brief biographical note is included containing information relating to collections and publication for each one. A complete bibliography is also included on the reviewed naturalists and the images of insects labels belonging to twenty authors.

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How to Cite
Vives i Noguera, Eduard. “Naturalistes dels Països Catalans dedicats a l’estudi dels coleòpters”. Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, pp. 47-69,