Noves o interessants citacions de coleòpters per al Parc Natural del Montseny i per a Catalunya (Coleoptera) (2a nota)

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Amador Viñolas Saborit
Josep Muñoz Batet
Joaquim Soler
A number of species of Carabidae, Clambidae,
Corylophidae, Latridiidae and Curculionidae,
corresponding to new or interesting records for
Catalonia and the Iberian Peninsula, are reported.
Almost all these species have been collected in
fourteen plots belonging to different types of
forests in the Montseny Natural Park, from May to
September 2008, in a study of beetle biodiversity
as indicator of forests conservation state. The
differential characteristics of these species and their
distribution area are reported. In addition, the
aedeagus and spermathecae of the majority of the
species are illustrated in detail for the identification
of these species.

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How to Cite
Viñolas Saborit, Amador et al. “Noves o interessants citacions de coleòpters per al Parc Natural del Montseny i per a Catalunya (Coleoptera) (2a nota)”. Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, pp. 119-32,

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