Noves citacions de gasteròpodes opistobranquis de les Gimnèsies

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Joandomènec Ros i Aragonès
Fourteen species of Opisthobranch molluscs are cited from the Gymnesian Is. (Majorca and Minorca); at least eleven of them are new citations for these poor-searched islands, and six for the Balearic archipelago. Most species are banal and well-known on the nearby mainland coasts, but Elysia timida, Phyllaplysia lafonti and Phyllidia pulitzeri constitute uncommon records.

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How to Cite
Ros i Aragonès, Joandomènec. “Noves citacions de gasteròpodes opistobranquis de les Gimnèsies”. Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, pp. 175-7,