Primera proposta d'índex del valor del patrimoni natural de Catalunya (IVPN), una eina cartogràfica per a l'avaluació ambiental estratègica

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Joana Llinàs
Jordi Carreras i Raurell
María José Cordobilla
Ferran Rodà i de Llanza
Josep Maria Ninot i Sugrañes
Albert Ferré
Empar Carrillo i Ortuño
Joan Pino i Vilalta
Joan Marull
A first proposal for the Natural Heritage Value Index for Catalonia, a cartographical tool for strategic environmental assessment

The first phase of development of the Natural Heritage Value Index (NHVI) of Catalonia is presented. This is a cartographical index aimed at evaluating the Catalan territory as a whole using homogeneous criteria, so that it may be used in the strategic environmental assessment of plans and programmes. The basis is the habitats map of Catalonia (1:50.000), which was considered to be the most suitable owing to its spatial and thematic resolution and because it covers the whole of Catalonia. The map was complemented by bibliographical information and ancillary cartography. A set of parameters concerning floristics, phytosociology, chorology, landscape structure, and ecological services of habitats were chosen by expert judgement. They were organised into a hierarchical system of 18 fundamental indicators, 4 partial indices and one global index, the NHVI. The study also discusses briefly the validity of the methods and results, and their possible use in land planning and management.

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How to Cite
Llinàs, Joana et al. “Primera proposta d’índex del valor del patrimoni natural de Catalunya (IVPN), una eina cartogràfica per a l’avaluació ambiental estratègica”. Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, pp. 115-38,

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