Contingut de matèria orgànica al sòl segons els usos forestals a les Gavarres (Girona)
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Montserrat Soler
Lourdes Reina
Maria Sala
The organic matter content of the soils of the Gavarres massif was studied. Two aspects are taken into account, lithology and land use. The area of the massif has been divided according to the two main lithological components: granites and slates. At the same time, the most representative types of land use have been studied: cork oak woodland under explotation, abandoned cork oak woodland, pine plantations, eucalyptus plantations and mixed cork oak and pine woodland. The results show that the organic matter content is much higher in soils on slates. As far as land use is concerned, the highest content corresponds to the cork oak forest and the lowest to the eucalyotus plantations.
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How to Cite
Soler, Montserrat et al. “Contingut de matèria orgànica al sòl segons els usos forestals a les Gavarres (Girona)”. Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, pp. 117-26,