Els Líquens epífits com a bioindicadors de l'estat de conservació dels boscos

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Àngels Longán Seminago
Antoni Gómez-Bolea
Since the seventies, epiphytic lichens are being used as bioindicators of ecological continuity of forests. Nevertheless, different authors give different meanings to this and other concepts such as forest quality, or forest conservation status. In this work, we give definitions for these and other related concepts, deal with the problem of their application in Mediterranean ecosystems and we also give a proposal for this kind of forests. We explain the reasons why epiphytic lichens are used as bioindicators, the different methodologies used, and the problems for their application.

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How to Cite
Longán Seminago, Àngels; and Gómez-Bolea, Antoni. “Els Líquens epífits com a bioindicadors de l’estat de conservació dels boscos”. Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, pp. 5-20, https://raco.cat/index.php/ButlletiICHN/article/view/222606.