The Influence Of H. P. Lovecraft In The Work Of Junji ito

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Álvaro Pina Arrabal

There is a huge and well-known quantity of authors influenced by H. P. Lovecraft not only in literature, but also in other fields such as cinema, video games or comics. In the latter and, particularly, in the horror genre, one manga artist is especially remarkable: Junji Ito (1963), creator of numerous works and short stories in which the influence of the American writer is noticeable. This article aims to analyze that influence by considering four groups of topics that are present in both authors’ works: the cosmic and apocalyptic, the oneiric, the monstrous and sectarian, and the musical and sound-related. Additionally, there is a section in which each author’s way of creating horror is analyzed. Allusions to the semiotic differences between literature and comic are also made throughout the work.


Cosmic Horror, Manga, Apocalypse, Dreams, Monsters

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How to Cite
Pina Arrabal, Álvaro. “The Influence Of H. P. Lovecraft In The Work Of Junji ito”. Brumal. Revista de investigación sobre lo Fantástico, vol.VOL 7, no. 1, pp. 135-63,
Author Biography

Álvaro Pina Arrabal, Universidad de Jaén

Doctorando en el Departamento de Lenguas y Culturas Mediterráneas de la Universidad de Jaén