Avaluació de la vulnerabilitat a la inundació de les construccions urbanes sota rasant de les àrees potencialment inundables de Sóller i Campos (Mallorca)

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Alexandre Moragues
Maurici Ruiz

[eng] Mediterranean regions are increasing flood frequency and intensity, mainly due to the global warming. That is why, physical vulnerability of the buildings located in areas which may be affected by the National Flood Zone Cartography is assessed using the surface under the street level. This analysis is done by applying the Urban Underground Flood Vulnerability Index (U2FVI), which gets a result between 0 and 100 for each cadastre building. So that, applying this index to the urban areas of Campos and Sóller, it is shown that a 4,6% of the buildings in Campos have floors under the street level and in a flood prone area in a period of 500 years, while for the ordinary flood period, of 10 years, 3,3% of the buildings would be affected. Moreover, in Sóller, potentially affected buildings in the return period of 500 years is up to a 2,2%, and a 0,3% for the ordinary period. Therefore, it is appreciated the vulnerability of the under street level buildings of these two urban areas.

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How to Cite
Moragues, Alexandre; and Ruiz, Maurici. “Avaluació de la vulnerabilitat a la inundació de les construccions urbanes sota rasant de les àrees potencialment inundables de Sóller i Campos (Mallorca)”. Bolletí de la Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears, vol.VOL 66, pp. 9-21, https://raco.cat/index.php/BolletiSHNBalears/article/view/428619.