Presence and control of the Coati, Nasua nasua L, and other carnivores introduced in recent times in Mallorca
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J. Mayol
Carmen Álvarez
Xavier Manzano
species are becoming an increasing environmental problem. Within island habitats,
this phenomenon is considered the most important cause of extinction of vertebrate.
The introduction of species in the Balearics Islands has occurred since ancient times,
being the whole terrestrial mammals wildlife native from habitats outside these
islands. These events, together with other allochthonous faunal elements and directly
human activities, have been associated with the extinction of Pleistocene mammals
(Myotragus, Hypnomys, Nesiotites), and possibly with the rarefaction and local
extinctions of other species and populations. Exotic wildlife continues arriving
nowadays, among other reasons, for pet trade. Accidental escapes or intentional
occur as well as it happened to the Coati (Nasua nasua) in the island of Mallorca.
This American carnivore has become naturalized and formed at least one stable
breeding group. This species is being introduced in several Pacific islands has caused
serious impact on seabird colonies. It provides detailed records of this species, and
other carnivorous mammals introduced in Mallorca in recent years.
species are becoming an increasing environmental problem. Within island habitats,
this phenomenon is considered the most important cause of extinction of vertebrate.
The introduction of species in the Balearics Islands has occurred since ancient times,
being the whole terrestrial mammals wildlife native from habitats outside these
islands. These events, together with other allochthonous faunal elements and directly
human activities, have been associated with the extinction of Pleistocene mammals
(Myotragus, Hypnomys, Nesiotites), and possibly with the rarefaction and local
extinctions of other species and populations. Exotic wildlife continues arriving
nowadays, among other reasons, for pet trade. Accidental escapes or intentional
occur as well as it happened to the Coati (Nasua nasua) in the island of Mallorca.
This American carnivore has become naturalized and formed at least one stable
breeding group. This species is being introduced in several Pacific islands has caused
serious impact on seabird colonies. It provides detailed records of this species, and
other carnivorous mammals introduced in Mallorca in recent years.
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How to Cite
Mayol, J. et al. “Presence and control of the Coati, Nasua nasua L, and other carnivores introduced in recent times in Mallorca”. Bolletí de la Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears, vol.VOL 52, pp. 183-91,
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