Invasive species in Balearic Islands: use of antioxidant biomarkers in marine organism in invasive events

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Antoni Box
A. Sureda
Salud Deudero
The use of
antioxidant defences biomarkers have demonstrated its potential as useful tool to
understand the effects of invasive species belonging to genus Caulerpa and
Lophocladia lallemandii over some local marine species. Nowadays, invasive
macroalgae are colonising all kind of substrates covering important areas changing
habitats structure. Another effect of invasive species it is its capacity of cover
completely filters feeders reducing its filtering capacity or to cover another
macroalgaes or seagrass decreasing its photosynthetic capacity. The studied invasive
macroalgaes also contains secondary metabolites with citotoxic properties to reduce
the herbivores pressure and the presence of epiphytes over its structures. The present
work presents a review of some scientific paper which analysed the physiological
effects of invasive species over Mediterranean species applying biomarkers.

Article Details

How to Cite
Box, Antoni et al. “Invasive species in Balearic Islands: use of antioxidant biomarkers in marine organism in invasive events”. Bolletí de la Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears, vol.VOL 51, pp. 177-86,