«S’alçarà la cortina»: espai i lloc a la Tragicomèdia pastoral d’amor, firmesa i porfia de Francesc Fontanella

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Albert Mestres

In this article, we propose first to track the origin and evolution of a ticket entry and exit
code that, in our opinion, has lasted since the birth of the Athenian Classical Theater until
the nineteenth century. Secondly, we want to demonstrate, based on the space convention
in which it is inserted and the use of the space that is carried out, with an analysis of all
the entries and outputs marked by the dimensions that it contains, that the Pastoral tragicomedy
of love, firmness and porphyry was not only written to be represented, but rather
to a concrete representation. In addition, we want to put forward the hypothesis that,
given the moment of writing and representation of the Tragicomedy, during the Catalan
Revolution between 1640 and 1650, there is a political intentionality.

Fontanella, space, metaphor, theatre code, performance.

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How to Cite
Mestres, Albert. “«S’alçarà la cortina»: espai i lloc a la Tragicomèdia pastoral d’amor, firmesa i porfia de Francesc Fontanella”. Butlletí de la Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona, pp. 355-81, https://raco.cat/index.php/BoletinRABL/article/view/427282.