La poesia de Jeroni Pujades, entre tradició i modernitat
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Albert Rossich
No és freqüent que d’un autor antic com Jeroni Pujades tinguem tanta informació. A part del seu Dietari, que conté notícies i transcripcions de les seves poesies, era un historiador reconegut que havia participat en certàmens i commemoracions diverses. Tot plegat ha propiciat que arribessin a nosaltres uns quants textos seus. Pujades no va passar de ser un poeta ocasional, però és representatiu d’un sector de la societat que versifica justament per mantenir una presència pública i prestigi social. En aquest article es fa un repàs de l’obra poètica segura de Pujades i del seu context, incloent-hi l’edició de tots els textos conservats. En apèndix s’edita, convenientment anotada, la interessant sentència del certamen de 1601, obra de Francesc Calça, en què Pujades va ser premiat.
It is not usual that we have so much information about a former writer as the case of Jeroni Pujades. Apart from his Diary, which contains news and transcripts of his poems, he was a recognised historian who participated in several events and commemorations. This has helped us to get some of his texts. Although Pujades was an occasional poet, he represents a sector of society that versify in order to maintain a public appearance and social prestige. This article reviews the poetry of Pujades, including publications of all his preserved texts. In Appendix is published, conveniently annotated, the proclamation of the contest of 1601, by Francisco Calza, in which Pujades was awarded.
It is not usual that we have so much information about a former writer as the case of Jeroni Pujades. Apart from his Diary, which contains news and transcripts of his poems, he was a recognised historian who participated in several events and commemorations. This has helped us to get some of his texts. Although Pujades was an occasional poet, he represents a sector of society that versify in order to maintain a public appearance and social prestige. This article reviews the poetry of Pujades, including publications of all his preserved texts. In Appendix is published, conveniently annotated, the proclamation of the contest of 1601, by Francisco Calza, in which Pujades was awarded.
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Com citar
Rossich, Albert. “La poesia de Jeroni Pujades, entre tradició i modernitat”. Butlletí de la Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona, vol.VOL 53, no. 1, pp. 379-04,