Los indígenas Benianos en el acceso a la propiedad de la tierra y la constitución de una sociedad de frontera en la Boliva republicana, 1842-1951.

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Anna Guiteras Mombiola
The creation of the amazonian department of Beni (Bolivia), in the mid-nineteenth century, carried the participation of the indigenous population who was occupying it in the construction of the nation-estat. The Bolivian governments enacted legislation to colonization of the so-called “wastelands”
and expansion, therefore, of the internal frontier; at the same time, allowed indigenous people the exercise their civil rights. Through the colonizing policies promoted by the Bolivian government, the indigenous tried to stop the pressure
of the white-mestiza population and they demanded their incorporation to the Beni society through the exercise of the property over their lands.

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Com citar
Guiteras Mombiola, Anna. “Los indígenas Benianos en el acceso a la propiedad de la tierra y la constitución de una sociedad de frontera en la Boliva republicana, 1842-1951”. Boletín americanista, no. 60, pp. 67-89, https://raco.cat/index.php/BoletinAmericanista/article/view/194016.