A congress to emulate: when commitment converges with coherence

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Xosé Manuel Souto González
Nancy Palacios Mena
Liliana Angélica Rodríguez Pizzinato

The Ibero-American Forum on Education, Geography and Society celebrates its 10th anniversary as an academic space that boosts the exchange of knowledge, experiences, ideas, arguments and results of educational research; an initiative developed by teachers and trainee teachers in formal, non-formal and informal education schemes in different educational levels in different Ibero-American countries. The anniversary of the IberoAmerican Forum on Education, Geography and Society provides the perfect opportunity to assess its duty on social sciences teaching, where similarities and differences in different school systems have been analized and identified, leading to critical reflection on how should we contribute to the establishment of an alternative teaching of social and environmental problems.

Colloquium; Education; Geography; Society

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How to Cite
Souto González, Xosé Manuel et al. “A congress to emulate: when commitment converges with coherence”. Biblio 3w: revista bibliográfica de geografía y ciencias sociales, no. 24, https://raco.cat/index.php/Biblio3w/article/view/361153.