Wildfires, a global phenomenon

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Xavier Úbeda
Marcos Francos
Fires can take place anywhere on the planet. It is a phenomenon that has exists and always will be present. Each ecosystem will respond differently to a fire, in fact, many landscapes have been modeled by fire. Some important aspects are described, such as the fire regime, or the paradox of fires. The causes and the effects of fires are analyzed and it is concluded that only with a good knowledge of the problem we can find solutions.
Large forest fires, wildland urban interface, climate change, causes of fires

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How to Cite
Úbeda, Xavier; and Francos, Marcos. “Wildfires, a global phenomenon”. Biblio 3w: revista bibliográfica de geografía y ciencias sociales, no. 1, https://raco.cat/index.php/Biblio3w/article/view/344019.