City and transport: planning transformation and environmental impact

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Enrique Viana Suberviola
Urban planning and transport have a parallel development and degree of interaction determines the level of coordination and development of an area. The article is divided into two sections. The first paragraph refers to the evolution and overlapping who have suffered the city and transportation systems installed in it, as well as the various theoretical concepts proposed over time. The environmental impact caused by the use of certain means of transport is one of the topics discussed in this first section. The second section deals specifically with the relationship between city and railway system and, as in the previous section, the dialectic between urban and rail transport are analyzed.
railroad, urban planning, environmental impact

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How to Cite
Viana Suberviola, Enrique. “City and transport: planning transformation and environmental impact”. Biblio 3w: revista bibliográfica de geografía y ciencias sociales,