Continuity of Borbonic territorial planning in the North México at the 19th Century: New settlements in the North of Chihuahua

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Alejandro González Milea
This paper explores the settlement projects of new colonies in North Chihuahua, during XIX century, through a pair of highlighted topics by urban historiography: the continuity of borbonic vision of territorial planning and the provisional measuring of ejidos at new population centers. The first and second sections of the text contains topics concerning the colonization in North Mexico, and also an analysis of plans to establish colonizers in the North, through military and civil colonies concept, with the intention of identify the sites elected to fortify the frontier border. On the next four study cases – colonia Guadalupe de los Nobles, colonia Ascensión, colonia Hidalgo and Villa Ahumada–, the text analyses the context in which measures for urban area and ejidos were done, with the objective of highlight the so particular incompleteness of North Chihuahua urban processes.
urban projects, military and civil colonies, Chihuahua

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How to Cite
González Milea, Alejandro. “Continuity of Borbonic territorial planning in the North México at the 19th Century: New settlements in the North of Chihuahua”. Biblio 3w: revista bibliográfica de geografía y ciencias sociales,