Intercultural links and social capital in the little Pakistani commerce in the Raval quarter of Barcelona
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Andrés Aguirre Briones
The purpose of this research is contributes to the knowledge of the social embededdness of the economic activity of the immigrant groups. Study if the ethnic store is a socioeconomic context that favors the irruption of intercultural social relations and cooperatives practices constitutives of social capital. Inquiry about the ties between the immigrant workers and individuals of the social ambient. For analytic purposes, the ethnic stores are organized in two types; the generalistics establishments orientated to a broad market, and the stores destined for an ethnic or community consumption. Through the application of open ending standardized interviews, inquired into the social relationships of immigrants who work in the Pakistani commercial units situated in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona.
immigrants, ethnic economy, social capital, social ties
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How to Cite
Aguirre Briones, Andrés. “Intercultural links and social capital in the little Pakistani commerce in the Raval quarter of Barcelona”. Biblio 3w: revista bibliográfica de geografía y ciencias sociales,
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