Urbanism and privatization in Ría de Ferrol coast
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Jerónimo , 1949- Bouza Vila
Ferrol has been always linked to the shipyard and arsenal activities, in fact the design and construction of the city was based on these activities. Nowadays, UE naval polices have led the shipyards into a marginal situation, and the military system has been changed. Therefore, the economic power of the city has gone down.
On the other hand, the region has a really important cultural and natural heritage, that could be an alternative in order to promote the economic reactivation. But the actual policies are not focused on the preservation of this valuable heritage.
Taking into account the city characteristics, this article tries to identify the conflicts and outlines some scenarios in order to solve these issues.
On the other hand, the region has a really important cultural and natural heritage, that could be an alternative in order to promote the economic reactivation. But the actual policies are not focused on the preservation of this valuable heritage.
Taking into account the city characteristics, this article tries to identify the conflicts and outlines some scenarios in order to solve these issues.
Ferrol, heritage, disentailment
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How to Cite
Bouza Vila, Jerónimo , 1949-. “Urbanism and privatization in Ría de Ferrol coast”. Biblio 3w: revista bibliográfica de geografía y ciencias sociales, https://raco.cat/index.php/Biblio3w/article/view/273762.
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