Cinema and geography. Towards a state of the art, with a focus on Argentina

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Leandro R. González
The relationship between cinema and geography can be studied in different ways and from different disciplines. Here we examine and describe how this relationship has been addressed in the Spanish-language bibliography in general and, more particularly, in the academic production of Argentina. Regarding the latter, there is a bias in reference to Buenos Aires, which -although with limits- seems to have begun to be corrected in recent years. Finally, being a relatively new research field with great potential, the importance of the circulation of the bibliography is noted, so that each initiative to enroll in this field and does not mean a new starting point. In this, precisely, is where the article seeks to make a contribution.
movies, geography, bibliography, Argentina, cultural industries

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How to Cite
González, Leandro R. “Cinema and geography. Towards a state of the art, with a focus on Argentina”. Biblio 3w: revista bibliográfica de geografía y ciencias sociales,