Conception of a Brazilian Tool for the Elaboration of Research Data Management Plans : challenges for the automatic plans model (maDMP)

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Ketlen Stueber
Fabiano Couto Corrêa da Silva
José Carlos Abbud Grácio
Elizabete Cristina de Souza de Aguiar Monteiro
Laura Vilela Rodrigues Rezende
Alexandre Faria de Oliveira

Aims: This article presents a study of a conceptual model for a machine-actionable Data Management Plan (maDMP - Machine Actionable Data Management Plan) for the Brazilian setting conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Information and Technology (IBICT). The objectives were to analyse the existing tools; to consider the feasibility of developing a new solution from the very beginning, or adapting and remodeling an existing one; and to design the conceptual model considering the agents involved in the Brazilian research ecosystem.

Methods: This article reports an exploratory study on the development of a conceptual model of a Data Management Plan for use in the Brazilian scenario. The Design Science Research method was used, a systematic process that allows researchers to study and describe a phenomenon and also design or prescribe solutions for a specific problem (Dresch et al., 2014).

Results: A detailed comparative study of the existing development tools for DMPs is presented, in addition to a description of the design of the conceptual model of the Brazilian solution. The ideal scenario for this case is the improvement of the existing DMPTool tool, optimizing resources and development time. This robust instrument has accompanied the development of resources that will establish it a tool for creating DMPs that can be activated by machines. The study identifies the connections and exchanges of information necessary for the Brazilian Science ecosystem, in which the IBICT's DMP tool can play a centralizing and aggregating role.


Scientific research, Document management systems, Information management, Brazil, Free access

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How to Cite
Stueber, Ketlen et al. “Conception of a Brazilian Tool for the Elaboration of Research Data Management Plans : challenges for the automatic plans model (maDMP)”. BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, no. 50, doi:10.1344/BiD2023.50.07.