A Description of Prototype Models for Content-Based Language Instruction in Higher Education
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María Dueñas
Content-Based Instruction has been described as a new paradigm in language education, centered on fostering student competence in a second or foreign language while advancing in the knowledge of a subject matter. This approach is widely used in an extensive number of contexts and educational settings all over the world in a variety of models: some of the most common ones in foreign language education at post-secondary level are theme-based courses, adjunct/linked courses, sheltered subjectmatter instruction, and second language medium courses. Since the possibilities are multiple and purposefully designed to match different needs, this paper aims at offering a conceptual description of the main characteristics, specific applications, and perceived effectiveness of the different models as these are reported in the literature available. Prior to the presentation of the models, the rationale and evolution of the mainstream CBI paradigm will be presented, and a review of the existing literature contemplated. Additionally, an extensive, up-dated list of works in the area will be included in the reference list.
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Dueñas, María. “A Description of Prototype Models for Content-Based Language Instruction in Higher Education”. Bells: Barcelona English language and literature studies, vol.VOL 12, https://raco.cat/index.php/Bells/article/view/82923.