The Burden of ‘Nativeness’: Four Plurilingual Student-Teachers’ Stories

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María Cioè-Peña
Emilee Moore
Luisa Martín Rojo

En aquest article s'analitzen les històries de vida de quatre estudiants participants en programes de formació de professorat d'Educació Bilingüe o TESOL. Tot i que la sociolingüística i altres camps afins han problematitzat la dicotomia de parlant 'nadiu' / 'no-nadiu', aquestes categories emergeixen com a rellevants per als participants en aquest estudi, pel que fa a les percepcions de la seva pròpia competència i de la seva preparació per iniciar-se en la seva professió. Categories alternatives com a parlant 'legítim',  ‘expert’ o 'bi/plurilingüe' s'exploren en l'article, les quals poden servir simplement per rebatre la de parlant 'nadiu' o possibilitar l'emancipació d'ella. Seguint els postulats de la pedagogia crítica, perquè aquestes categories siguin empoderadores, les tasques de reimaginar la competència lingüística que es construeix en el camp de l'educació i de desconstruir la noció de 'nativitat' és una en la qual han d'involucrar-se comunitats educatives senceres. 

Paraules clau
Native/non-native, resourceful speakers, bi/plurilingual teachers, critical pedagogy, teacher education

Article Details

Com citar
Cioè-Peña, María et al. “The Burden of ‘Nativeness’: Four Plurilingual Student-Teachers’ Stories”. Bellaterra: journal of teaching and learning language and literature, vol.VOL 9, no. 2, pp. 32-52,
Biografies de l'autor/a

María Cioè-Peña, City University of New York.

María Cioè-Peña is a member of the teaching staff at the City University of New York. She has an undergraduate degree in English and a Master’s degree in teaching urban students with disabilities. She is currently pursuing her PhD in the department of Urban Education at the CUNY Graduate Center where she is a Presidential MAGNET Fellow. Her research focuses on bilingual children with disabilities and their ability to access multilingual learning spaces within NYC public schools. Her interest are deeply rooted in her experience as a bilingual special education teacher with a focus on language practices and disability awareness within schools and families.

Emilee Moore, University of Leeds

Emilee Moore is a postdoctoral researcher in the Beatriu de Pinós program (Generalitat de Catalunya) affiliated with the University of Leeds. She studies meaning-making practices in multilingual and multicultural educational contexts from a perspective integrating linguistic anthropology, interactional sociolinguistics, ethnomethodology and sociocultural learning theories. She was a university lecturer in Barcelona for about 5 years, where she helped develop teachers for multilingual preschools, primary and secondary schools, and for multilingual tertiary education. She was a visiting scholar at the Graduate Centre of CUNY at the time this research was conducted, funded by the Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d’Amics del País and by Beatriu de Pinós.

Luisa Martín Rojo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Luisa Martín Rojo is Professor of Linguistics at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. She specializes in Sociolinguistics, and has published work on such topics such as multilingualism and multilingual education, political discourse and representations of migrants, the Latino diaspora and linguistic practices produced by the Indignados/occupied movements in public spaces. At the time of this research she was a fellow in the CUNY Advanced Collaborative Research Centre and a participant in the doctoral seminar from which this research emerged.