El Aliento Invisible: Música y Sonido en la Obra de Gaudí

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Josep Gustems-Carnicer
Diego Calderón-Garrido
Eugènia Arús-Leita
The figure of Antonio Gaudí has been analysed in many occasions, because he is one of the most influential architects in the world. In this paper we leave aside the most central elements of his work to delve into the aspects of sound, much that are more unnoticed. To do this, we firstly describe the different sound environments in which the artist grew up, matured and professionally developed and accompanied his daily life, especially the influence of traditional Catalan music and Gregorian chant. After that, the main sound elements are analyzed in three of their most emblematic creations: Park Güell, La Pedrera and Sagrada Familia. In this way, we described how, through acoustics zones created with different architectural elements, the dichotomy of sound spaces, free rhythm, intentional use of reverberation, bell design, organ placement and Spaces reserved for the corals, Gaudí gave to its creations a spiritual depth that transcended of the visual aspects to enter in the magic of the sound.

Paraules clau:

Gaudi, music, sound, architecture

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Com citar
Gustems-Carnicer, Josep et al. “El Aliento Invisible: Música y Sonido en la Obra de Gaudí”. BRAC: Barcelona, Recerca, Art, Creació, vol.VOL 6, no. 1, pp. 72-89, https://raco.cat/index.php/BRAC/article/view/341623.