Heroínas de una Sociedad Misógina. Teresa de Jesús Atrincherada en la Morada. Mística en el Arte Contemporáneo

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Natividad Navalón Blesa
Alejandro Mañas García
Teresa Cháfer Bixquert
This article is the first in a series of reflections in which our main objective is the recovery of space that should never lose women. We review those heroines women in a misogynist society, who have been influential thinkers in the creative work of contemporary art. This text is dedicated to Saint Teresa of Jesus, a heroine, in whom many artists have set their sights as a benchmark for empowerment and they have directed their work toward mysticism, creating a connection between art and spirituality. We collect a selection of artists who have used the mystical, pain, purple, silence, visions, and finally, ecstasy, in their creative process, to give voice to a gender problem in this society and to work in the struggle for the recovery of a space that had always belonged to women. Artists who, through their work, claim a place in a society culturally articulated by man. They are a clear example of what we have called heroines women in a misogynist society.
Paraules clau
art, mysticism, spirituality, feminism

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Com citar
Navalón Blesa, Natividad et al. “Heroínas de una Sociedad Misógina. Teresa de Jesús Atrincherada en la Morada. Mística en el Arte Contemporáneo”. BRAC: Barcelona, Recerca, Art, Creació, vol.VOL 5, no. 1, pp. 17-44, https://raco.cat/index.php/BRAC/article/view/341574.