A Prologue to the 18th-Century Passion Play “Presa y mort y passió de Christo Nostre Senyor”
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Pep Vila
Institut d'Estudis Gironins
This article analyses and transcribes the 'lloa', a sort of prologue, that begins an 18thcentury Passion play housed at the Episcopal Library in Vic. The piece is singular, wellwritten, scripted, and composed in the style of conceptism. It is written for eight actors. It eschews the unsophisticated monologues that can be found in most popular Passion tragedies. The text also includes staging details about how it should be performed.
prologue (theatre), Passion plays, 18th Century
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How to Cite
Vila, Pep. “A Prologue to the 18th-Century Passion Play ‘Presa y mort y passió de Christo Nostre Senyor’”. Ausa, vol.VOL 30, no. 189, pp. 493-05, doi:10.34810/ausav30n189id407272.
(c) Ausa, 2022
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