Towards a novel of ideas? Dialogue between María Zambrano and Rosa Chacel

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Ana Rodríguez Fisher

The article analyzes the friendship between María Zambrano and Rosa Chacel, focusing on the preserved correspondence as well as on the essays and articles that they dedicated to each other, with special attention to the aspects related to Ortega y Gasset's influence and his ideas on the novel or other philosophical notions, reflected in Estación. Ida y vuelta and Delirio y destino.

María Zambrano, Rosa Chacel, Spanish narrative of the XXth century, Ortega y Gasset’s influence

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Fisher, Ana. “Towards a novel of ideas? Dialogue between María Zambrano and Rosa Chacel”. Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano, no. 25, pp. 90-99, doi:10.1344/Aurora2024.25.7.