About person, democracy and sacrifice in María Zambrano (and an appendix)

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Luis Miguel Pino Campos

In Puerto Rico, María Zambrano published the first edition of her book Persona y Democracia (1958), which from the second one (Barcelona, 1988) included the subtitle La historia sacrificial and a new prologue. She divided the book into three parts, entitled: i. The Western crisis, ii. Thesis of Western history: man, and iii. The humanization of society: democracy. In this paper the contents of the book are commented upon, with emphasis on two subjects: the references to the Classical World (Greece and Rome in particular), and Zambrano’s teacher Jose Ortega y Gasset as the starting point of some of her thinking. The paper concludes with an appendix, which comprises manuscript corrections Zambrano made in a first edition copy.

María Zambrano; Jose Ortega y Gasset; person; democracy

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How to Cite
Pino Campos, Luis Miguel. “About person, democracy and sacrifice in María Zambrano (and an appendix)”. Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano, no. 20, pp. 72-99, https://raco.cat/index.php/Aurora/article/view/365693.