El concepto de creencia en Zambrano

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María Luisa Maillard García
This article develops the process followed by María Zambrano in order to achieve a definition of reality far from the idealism –the reality are the ideas– as well as from the positivisms –the reality are the objects–. Starting, as in many occasions with the reality premise elaborated by her mentor Ortega y Gasset –the reality are the beliefs–, Zambrano searches a living reality that has its roots in the movement of hope that basically builds us as human beings and gives us the impulse to transcend our initial being, marked by poverty.
Zambrano, Ortega y Gasset, Belief, Hope, Reality

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How to Cite
Maillard García, María Luisa. “El concepto de creencia en Zambrano”. Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano, no. 13, pp. 30-39, https://raco.cat/index.php/Aurora/article/view/268641.