La constatación que vendrá.

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Miguel , 1950- Morey
When the proposal for a poetic reason of M. Zambrano can start to be weighed in all its complexity, it is certain that it will be demonstrated their amazing proximity to many of the noblest experiments of thought that were contemporary, whose common denominator may well be characterized as a critique of discursive reason. The most striking of these proximities will be their simultaneity, sure, but also their
distance, their independence from each other, the lack of communication between them, a surprising agreement in spite of mutual ignorance. Its proximity to the thought of Maurice Blanchot can be a good example.

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Com citar
Morey, Miguel , 1950-. “La constatación que vendrá”. Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano, no. 11, pp. 88-95,